< [Ship Handling] 1.Ship Fire Prevention and Crew Personal Safety Responsibilities
1.1 Recognition of ship fire characteristics + 1.2 Fire-fighting on ship + 2.1 Recognition of combustion condition + 2.2 Types of combustion+ 2.3 Recognition of Fire Hazard + 2.4 Spread of fire+ 3.1 Classification of fire+ 3.2 Methods and principles of Fire extinguishing+ 3.3 Extinguishant+ 4.1 Causes of ship fires+ 4.2 Ship structure fire prevention + 4.3 Ship fire prevention management + 4.4 Ship repair and fire prevention + 5.1 Portable Fire Extinguishers + 5.2 Mobile fire extinguishing equipment + 5.3 Fireman's outfit+ 5.4 Other fire-fighting equipment + 6.1 Fixed fire detection and alarm system + 6.2 Smoking detection system + 7.1 Water fire extinguishing system + 7.2 Fixed carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system + 7.3 Fixed foam extinguishing system + 7.4 fixed dry chemical system+ 7.5 Water mist fog system and automatic sprinkler+

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8.1 Ship fire protection organization and muster list cognition+ 8.2 Fire control plan and Passage for ship escape cognition+ 8.3 Fire drill+ 9.1 The importance of individual and group responsibilities of crew members in controlli+ 9.2 Safety assessment of ships and daily safety education and training for crew members + 9.3 Safety management code and flag state control, port state control+ 10.1 Formulating Shipboard Muster list + 10.2 Response action to the alarm signal + 10.3 Escape routes and emergency communications + 11.1 Emergency Action for Ship Collision + 11.2 Emergency Action for Ship Stranding + 11.3 Emergency Action for ship fire + 11.4 Emergency Response to Ship’s Flooding and Sinking+ 11.5 Emergency Response to War + 11.6 Emergency Response to Prevent shipboard Oil Pollution+ 11.7 Anti Piracy Emergency Response + 12.1 The importance of complying with safe working methods+ 12.2 Prevent industrial accidents + 12.3 Personal safety protection equipment + 12.4 Safety precautions for entering closed compartments+ 12.5 Common types of work-related accidents of ship crew+ 12.6 Prevention of work-related accidents for crew members+ 13.1 Pollution damage caused by ships to the marine environment+ 13.2 Basic requirements of the MARPOL73/78 convention+ 13.3 Convention on the Management of Ballast Water on Ships+ 13.4 Use of oil pollution prevention equipment + 14.1 Overview Of Crew Interpersonal Relationships + 14.2 Brief Introduction to Psychological Characteristics of Crew Group + 14.3 Team and team work+ 15.1 The causes and effects of crew fatigue + 15.2 Measures to prevent and eliminate crew fatigue +