< [New Energy Vehicle Application and Maintenance] 1.Construction and Inspection of New Energy Vehicle Chassis
1.1 Master the basic knowledge of new energy vehicle chassis(Theory)+ 1.2 Identify the chassis system layout and features of new energy vehicles(Theory) + 2.1 Structure, function, types of wheels(Theory)+ 2.2 Tire specifications and markings(Theory)+ 2.3 Common forms and causes of abnormal tire wear(Theory)+ 2.4 Wheel Removal and Installation(Theory)+ 2.4.1 Wheel and tire removal and mounting (practical)+ 2.5 Dynamic balancing of tires(Theory)+ 2.5.1 Specification of dynamic balancing of tires (practice)+ 2.6 Types, functions and principles of wheel alignment(Theory)+ 2.7 Procedure for wheel alignment(Theory)+ 2.7.1 Testing and adjustment of four-wheel alignment (practical)+ 3.1 Composition and working principle of steering system(Theory)+ 3.1.1 Routine maintenance checks of the steering system (practice)+ 3.2 Common Failure Analysis of Steering System(Theory)+ 3.2.1 Replacement of steering gear cross ties and ball joints (practice) + 3.2 Motor temperature monitoring and fault diagnosis + 3.3 Composition and working principle of electric power steering system(Theory) + 3.3.1 Electric power steering with cross tie assembly replacement (practice) + 3.3.2 Electric Power Steering (EPS) Indicator Light Always On Troubleshooting (practice)+ 4.1 Components, Types and Structures of Suspension Systems(Theory) +

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4.1.1 Routine inspection and maintenance of the suspension system (practice)+ 4.2 Structure and working principle of the shock absorber(Theory)+ 4.2.1 Replacement of shock absorber springs (practice)+ 4.3 Composition, working principle and overhaul method of electronically controlled susp+ 5.1 Overview of the braking system(Theory)+ 5.2 Wheel Brake Recognition (Theory)+ 5.2.1 Routine inspection and maintenance of brake systems (practical)+ 5.2.2 Measurement of Brake Disc Thickness and Rear Face Runout of Equipment (practice) + 5.3 Recognition of vacuum boost systems(Theory)+ 5.3.1 Vacuum booster assembly repair and replacement(practical)+ 5.4 ABS system awareness(Theory)+ 5.4.1 Inspection and maintenance of ABS systems(practical)+ 5.5 ABS warning light always on troubleshooting(Theory)+ 5.6 Recognition of the brake pressure regulator(Theory)+ 5.6.1 Brake pressure regulator assembly replacement (practice)+ 5.7 Recognition of Electronic Parking Systems(Theory)+ 5.8 Troubleshooting EPB Warning Light Always On(Theory)+ 6.1 Functions, Types and Structures of Reducers(Theory)+ 6.2 Principle of operation of the speed reducer(Theory)+ 6.3 Reducer Assembly inspection and maintenance(Theory)+ 6.3.1 Decelerator oil filling and changing (practice)+ 6.4 Principle of operation of the reducer controller(Theory)+ 6.4.1 Reducer assembly disassembly and inspection (practical)+ 6.4.2 Troubleshooting and Troubleshooting of Reducer Controllers (practical) + 6.5 Types of Hybrid Vehicle Drivetrains(Theory)+ 6.5.1 Removal and installation of drive shafts (practice)+ 6.6 Hybrid Vehicle Drivetrain Inspection and Maintenance(Theory)+