< [Business Administration in Industry and Commerce] 3.Marketing
1.1 Marketing and Transformational Marketing+ 1.2 The nature and research objects of marketing and development history+ 1.3 Marketing concept+ 2.1 The evolution of the marketing mix+ 2.2 Strategic planning and market orientation+ 2.3 Marketing Management and Process+ 3.1 Marketing information system+ 4.1 Marketing microenvironment+ 4.2 Marketing macroenvironment+ 4.3 Marketing research process and data analysis+ 4.4 Market demand forecast+ 5.1 Consumer market+ 5.2 Factors affecting consumer purchasing behavior+ 6.1 Organizational market+ 6.2 Industrial market purchasing behavior+ 6.3 Intermediary purchasing behavior and government procurement+ 7.1 Market segmentation+ 7.2 Target market selection+ 8.1 Positioning+ 8.2 Competitor analysis+ 8.3 Basic competitive strategy+ 8.4 Market position and competitive strategy+ 9.1 Product mix strategy+

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9.2 Product Lifecycle+ 9.3 Services and Service Marketing and Service Quality Management+ 10.1 Brands and Brand Equity+ 10.2 Brand strategy selection+ 11.1 Factors affecting pricing+ 11.2 Pricing method+ 11.3 Price changes and corporate strategies+ 12.1 Distribution Channels' Functions and Types+ 12.2 Distribution Channel Strategy+ 12.3 Logistics & Supply Chain Management+ 13.1 Advertising Strategy+ 13.2 Sales Strategies+ 13.3 Sales Promotion Strategies and Public Relations Strategies+ 13.4 Integrated marketing+ 14.1 Marketing Planning and Execution+ 15.1 Sales Control+ 16.1 The Value of Big Data Marketing+ 16.2 Major Patterns in Big Data Marketing+ 16.3 The Process of Big Data Marketing+