< [Municipal Engineering Technology] 3.Subgrade Construction
1.1 Composition of Highway+ 1.2 Forms and Engineering Characteristics of Subgrade+ 1.3 Mechanical Properties and Requirements of Subgrade+ 1.4 Classification and Engineering Properties of Subgrade Soil+ 1.5 Natural Zoning and Dry-Wet Types of Highway+ 1.6 Types of Subgrade+ 1.7 Structure and Ancillary Facilities of Subgrade+ 2.1 Organizational Preparation+ 2.2 Project Site Construction and Material Supply+ 2.3 Mechanical Equipment and Test Equipment for Subgrade Construction+ 2.4 Technical Preparation+ 2.5 Site Preparation+ 2.6 Selection and Implementation of Subgrade Test Section+ 2.7 Selection of Filling Material+ 2.8 Foundation Base Treatment + 2.9 Embankment Filling Scheme+ 2.10 Construction Procedure of Soil Embankment Filling+ 2.11 Provisions on Filling of Different Soil + 2.12 Construction of Dumping Area+ 2.13 Filling Method of Rockfill Embankment + 2.14 Filling Method of Rockfill Mixed Embankment + 2.15 Backfilling of Bridges, Culverts and Other Structures + 2.16 High Fill Embankment + 2.17 Compaction Mechanism and Influencing Factors of Subgrade+ 2.18 Compaction Standards of Subgrade+ 2.19 Execution of Soil Cutting+ 3.1 Properties and Construction Requirements of Soft Soil + 3.2 Treatment Method of Shallow Replacement+ 3.3 Rolling Method+ 3.4 Drainage Consolidation Method+ 3.5 Composite Foundation and Geosynthetics Reinforcement Method+ 3.6 Construction of Expansive Soil Subgrade+ 3.7 Subgrade Construction in Frozen Soil and Rainy Areas+

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3.8 Subgrade Construction in Loess and Saline Soil+ 4.1 Structure and Layout of Side Ditches and Catchwater Ditches+ 4.2 Drain and Water Drop Structure Execution and Arrangement+ 4.3 Structure and Layout of Other Subgrade Surface Drainage Facilities+ 4.4 Construction Techniques of Subgrade Surface Drainage Facilities+ 4.5 Structure and Layout of Subgrade Underground Drainage Facilities+ 4.6 Construction Technique of Subgrade Underground Drainage Facilities+ 5.1 Construction of Plant Protection+ 5.2 Construction of Framework Plant Protection+ 5.3 Engineering Protection Construction+ 5.4 Subgrade Scouring Protection+ 5.5 Structure and Classification of Retaining Wall+ 5.6 Construction of Retaining Wall+ 5.7 Anti-slide Construction of Other Subgrades+ 6.1 Handover and Acceptance+