< [Municipal Engineering Technology] 2.Construction Engineering Materials
1.1 Rounding off for numerical values + 1.2 Rounding off for numerical values - Special rounding interval+ 2.1 Physical constants of rock materials + 2.2 Water absorption of rock materials + 2.3 Weather resistance of rock materials + 2.4 Compressive strength test of rocks+ 2.5 Chemical properties of rock materials + 2.6 Classification of aggregates + 2.7 Aggregates density+ 2.8 Moisture content and water absorption of aggregates+ 2.9 Evaluation of coarseness and fineness of sand for construction+ 2.10 Calculation of screening parameters + 2.11 Drawing of grading curves + 2.12 Silt content, stone powder content, and clay lump content of aggregate+ 2.13 Grain gradation of coarse aggregate + 2.14 Maximum size of coarse aggregate + 2.15 Elongated and flaky coarse aggregate + 2.16 Strength determination of coarse aggregates - Crushing value+ 2.17 Strength determination of coarse aggregates - Compressive strength of rock+

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2.18 Design of Mineral Mixture Composition - Gradation theory+ 2.19 Preparation of Mineral Mixture - Trial method + 2.20 Design of Mineral Mixture Composition - Graphical method+ 3.1 Classification and characteristics of lime + 3.2 Production of ordinary cement + 3.3 Classification of ordinary cement + 3.4 Characteristics of ordinary cement + 3.5 Main Technical Indexes of Common Cement - Chemical indicators+ 3.6 Main Technical Indexes of Common Cement - Fineness + 3.7 Main Technical Indexes of Common Cement - Water consumption at normal consistency+ 3.8 Main Technical Indexes of Common Cement - Setting time + 3.9 Main Technical Indexes of Common Cement - Volume stability+ 3.10 Main Technical Indexes of Common Cement - Strength + 3.11 Calculation and judgment of cement strength + 4.1 Overview of cement concrete+ 4.2 Workability of fresh concrete+ 4.3 Strength of Hardened Concrete + 4.4 Concrete Additive+ 4.5 Other Functional Concrete+ 4.6 Selection of concrete component materials + 4.7 Mix proportion design of ordinary cement concrete +