[Mar 25-26] Industrial Automation and Mechanical Transmission Systems

25th Mar - 26th  Mar  2024

In an era increasingly defined by technological advancement and industrial efficiency, we are thrilled to announce a two-day of exclusive webinars dedicated to unraveling the complexities of Industrial Automation and Mechanical Transmission Systems.

Co-hosted by Xinxiang Vocational and Technical College and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Technical Education Development (SEAMEO TED), these webinars are designed to equip participants with knowledge and skills vital for navigating the fast-evolving landscape of industrial automation and mechanical systems. Whether you are a student aspiring to enter this field, or simply an enthusiast eager to learn about the industrial technology, these webinars promise to be an invaluable resource.

ZOOM Meeting (ID:889 7471 8489, PW: 123)

Registration link:
