Chapter III: Yellow Tea
#ICT# #IOT# Clicks:

Lesson Code:TCEN2023E001

Academic Hours



1. Lecturer: JIANG Li, Silk Road Tea Institute

General Introduction
This course focuses on the processing and tasting of the six major types of tea. Through the study of this series of courses, students will be able to distinguish between different types of tea,
choose to buy and preserve tea according to their needs and select tea utensils according to the type of tea, and brew and drink them skillfully. Organize tea ceremony activities.

This Course is for
● Students majoring at tea
● tea lovers
● tea researchers and tea workers

Learning Materials

● Courses’ Video
● Courses’ PowerPoint Slides

Recognized By

Benefits of Learning

● Distinguish between different types of tea
● Purchase and store tea according to needs
● Choosing tea utensils according to the type of tea scientifically, and brewing and drinking skillfully. Organize tea ceremony activities, etc.

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